TTP '08: Featuring David Buckingham

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TTP 2008: David Buckingham on Popular Culture & Media in the Classroom

April 5, 12, 13, 2008

Teachers College Columbia University, New York CIty

Featuring a series of lectures by David Buckingham, one of the leading international researchers in the field of media education, and research on children and young people’s interactions with electronic media. A Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, London University he is the founder and director of the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media. Buckingham is co-author or editor of 22 books, and over 170 articles and book chapters that have been translated into 15 languages.

Teach, Think, Play 2008 was built around the research of world-renowned UK media literacy specialist Professor David Buckingham of the Institute of Education in London & Director of the Centre for the Study of Children Youth and the Media. On Saturday April 12th Dr. Buckingham gave four keynote presentations:

“Media Education – A Comparative Perspective”

“Beyond Technology: Schooling the Digital Generation”

“From Pokemon to Potter – and Beyond…”

“The Facts of Life? Children, Sex and the Media”

Dr. Buckingham’s presentations were framed by two days of coursework on popular culture in the classroom taught by Ryan Goble and Nicole Trackman (high school teachers, Columbia doctoral students & founders of in collaboration with TC professor John Broughton.

While many come to enjoy TTP as a conference others participate in the event as a class. Students in enrolled in TTP as a course were required to master "21st Century Literacies" by creating projects and ideas that integrated "new media" and popular culture in the classroom. Take a look at the descriptions and programs below to learn about the schedule and participants.

      • Syllabus & Schedule & Speaker Bios*

      • Project Is Right Assignment Sheet 2008*


                *All available to members of Making Curriculum Pop, a resource community for educators interested in better practices and teaching with pop culture (All you need is a Ning ID & password).