
Virtual and In-School Coaching. Are you looking for creative ways to develop your staff around long-term goals? Mindblue designs long-term collaborative learning experiences to help your team clarify objectives and develop powerful solutions that improve student learning outcomes.  Services offered include curriculum workshops, one-on-one teacher coaching, curriculum mapping, problem solving sessions, new teacher induction, support and programming, peer observation protocols, school professional development  plans (with timelines and deliverables) and school systems improvement.  

These professional learning experiences are designed to build on your staff's existing skills and expertise to create "creative partners" around student learning. We work your team to articulate the coaching program objectives, goals, timeline and deliverables. Every package is designed with the goal of distributing leadership across your organization over time.

Mindblue has developed a wide range of powerful collaboration protocols we use to help teachers develop their curriculum individually and as a department.  We also work with administrators, coaching teams and departments that are looking for ways to build community and capacity. We help teams articulate “challenge statements” and hold interdisciplinary teams accountable for the development of creative solutions. 

Each coaching session models differentiated instruction by using media, technology and making space for collaboration around every participant’s interests, needs and learning styles.

Feel free to read more about our team and consulting services. If you are interested in more information about crafting a coaching package for your school please send an e-mail query to Ryan Goble at